• Lecture »Navigating Non-Discrimination in the Digital Age« at the MPI Summer School in Berlin

    As part of a Max Planck Society Summer School, Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh gave a lecture on »Navigating Non-Discrimination in the Digital Age: Legal, Empirical, and Technological Perspectives« on August 29, 2024. The event was held for…
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  • Conference »Comparative AI Law: Regulating the Future – A Transnational Perspective«

    The conference titled »Comparative AI Law: Regulating the Future - A Transnational Perspective« will be held on 28-29 September 2024 at Peking University School of Transnational Law in Shenzhen, China. The event focuses on the legal and regulatory…
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  • ICON•S Annual Conference in Madrid

    From July 8 to 10, the annual conference of the ICON•S International Society of Public Law took place at the IE Law School in Madrid, Spain. The theme of the conference was »The Future of Public Law: Resilience,…
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  • »Dilemma of Difference«: Constitutional and socio-political perspectives of a more diverse constitutional state

    Emanuel V. Towfigh, »Dilemma of Difference«: Constitutional and socio-political perspectives of a more diverse constitutional state, in: Thym (ed.) Germany as a country of immigration, pp. 231-246. [German] »Germany as a country of immigration«. This statement in the…
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  • Would party ban proceedings against the »Alternative for Germany« (AfD) have any chance of success?

    Emanuel V. Towfigh and Svea Alberti, Hätte ein Parteiverbotsverfahren gegen die »Alternative für Deutschland« (AfD) Aussicht auf Erfolg? [German], in DVBl 2024, issue 10, pp. 601-109. In this new essay, Emanuel V. Towfigh and Svea Alberti examine whether…
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  • Workshop »Racism: What response options do the state and administration have?«

    As part of the InRa study »Institutions & Racism« funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland, a workshop on the topic »Racism: What response options do the state and administration have?« took place on…
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  • Review: Bezemek, Constitutionalism, 2030 [German]

    Christoph Bezemek (publ.), Constitutionalism 2030, Oxford: Hart Publishing 2022, 219 pages, 109.95 €, ISBN 978-1-50994-270-1 in: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht (ZöR) 78 (2023), pp. 765-769 [in German] PDF (BiblioScout) PDF (local)   According to a common classification, innovation…
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  • Unilateral Resolution of Religious Constitutional Treaties by the Legislator (»Treaty Override«) [German]

    Emanuel V. Towfigh / Fabius Bonde, Einseitige Lösung von religionsverfassungsrechtlichen Verträgen durch den Gesetzgeber [Unilateral Resolution of Religious Constitutional Treaties by the Legislator] (»Treaty Override«), NJW 2023 (issue 52), pp. 3769 et seq. [German] Prof. Dr. Emanuel V.…
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