Jacob Ulrich – Inner-party democracy (completed)

From August 2016 – December 2019, Jacob Ulrich was a Junior Researcher and PhD Candidate at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh. Jacob Ulrich is completing his dissertation in the field of intra-party democracy. In doing so, he is investigating the questions of when the requirement of inner-party democracy from Article 21 I 3 of the German Constitution is violated in theory, whether such a violation of the requirement can be proven in reality, and what the legal consequences of a violation of the requirement of inner-party democracy are. He was also involved in commenting on Article 21 GG in the Bonn Commentary.

First assessor: Prof. Dr. iur. Emanuel V. Towfigh
Second assessor: Prof. Dr. iur. Julian Krüper, Ruhr-University Bochum
Date of Disputation: 6 November 2023