A Right to Education in the State Constitution—Effective Fundamental Right or Constitutional Prose? [German]

In their article Emanuel V. Towfigh and Alexander Gleixner present considerations for a right to education in the Hessian State Constitution. The article is based on a statement for the Hessian state parliament.

Emanuel V. Towfigh/Alexander Gleixner, A Right to Education in the State Constitution—Effective Fundamental Right or Constitutional Prose?, in: DVBl 2023, issue 23, pp. 1437-1443 [in German].

»In Hesse, the amendment of the state constitution with the aim of introducing a right to education is being discussed as part of a current draft law. The article discusses how the proposed amendment fits into the protection of fundamental rights in the multi-level system and whether it is capable of conferring effective new rights on those entitled to them.«


[Translated by DeepL]